The Cardiovascular Link to Environmental ActioN (CLEAN) Lab


Economist 2018

Cumulative lifetime burden of cardiovascular disease from early exposure to air pollution

The CLEAN lab will open officially in 2021 at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiovascular Institute of Stanford University! We are interested in the biology of how various environmental pollutants (eg. tobacco, e-cigarettes, air pollution and wildfire) affect the transcriptome, epigenome, and eventually disease phenotype of the vasculature. We use animal models of disease and lineage-tracing, in-vitro and in-vivo systems of exposure, single-cell sequencing technologies to answer some of these questions. Additionally, we collaborate with various members of the Stanford community to develop biomarkers that will aid with detection and prognosis. We are passionate about the need to reduce the environmental effects on health through strong advocacy and outreach. We are looking for motivated and qualified people to build a fun and productive lab. Official hiring process to begin soon -- if you are interested, please contact PI: Juyong "Brian" Kim at Happy to discuss more!

Contact: PI: Juyong Brian Kim300 Pasteur Dr. Falk Cardiovascular Research CenterStanford, CA 94305kimjb@stanford.edu